


This is a movement in America which has developed from chat rooms inhabited by conspiracy theorists who believe that the world is run by the dark state who conduct all sorts of nefarious activities without any risk of retribution and who are responsible for all the current ills of the world.  COVID-19 was let loose on the world by this elite clique of politicians and public servants. I do feel sorry for Hilary Clinton, who is punished for her unfortunate remark about the ‘basket of deplorables’ by the emergence of an internet story that she abused children, keeping them prisoners inside a pizza café frequented by Washington families.  One person believed this so strongly that he armed himself and went to the café to rescue the children. He shot the lock of a door and found himself in a room full of computer equipment, at which point he surrendered to police saying that the intel he had received was obviously not right.

 The name of this loosely aligned group comes from the tag Q given by a person who posted anonymously on 4Chan on this conspiracy theory.