


This is a word derived from catfishing, defined as luring a person into a romantic relationship by creating a fictitious persona online.  The idea is that most women can’t resist a man with a dog. It seems to imply that he has a gentler side, and that he is a responsible person.  But there is a catch. Online men are posing with dogs that are not their dogs at all but borrowed for a photo op to make them look more appealing.   This is happening often enough for some women to refuse to look at men posing with dogs at all, but these women are still in the minority.

 There is a lot of helpful advice online to men wishing to present themselves in the best light. This is not exactly scamming like catfishing, but it does cross a boundary when it is not true. If you put up an action shot of yourself playing basketball, then ok, as long as you do play basketball.  Manly men, so I am told, go fishing, hunting, camping. They own the dance floor. Just make sure that the dog, car, fish you pose with is genuinely yours.