password child

There are many ways in which parents are deemed to have failed their children and sown the seeds of continuing hurt, feelings of worthlessness and lifelong anger.  The latest one springs from the way in which we create passwords online, using the names of our dogs, our cats, and … our children.  Siblings are constantly on the lookout for signs that one of them is being given preferential treatment.  A parent who uses the name of one of the children as a constant password is indicating a preference, or so the children feel. The password child is the object of special affection.  If the parent is quick-witted they can say ‘I’m using your name because you were the first-born and I have been too lazy to change my password for a decade or more'. But if it was some child other than the firstborn, the parent will have to devise a different strategy.  Better still, stick to the dogs and cats and leave the children out of it.

SocietySue ButlerComment