attention hacking

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This is modelled on life hacking where hacking is the creation of innovative ways to solve life’s problems.  Other combinations with hacking at the base have emerged such as growth hacking  (increasing the size of your business rapidly) and sleep hacking (requiring less sleep while keeping your health and energy). Similarly attention hacking is the development of innovative ways to grab the attention of people as they go online.   Just putting up an ad is not enough and it is often expensive. And then, irritatingly for the marketers, people flick over the ads almost without noticing them. So someone who wants to sell something has to grab the attention of the public in ways that are meaningful and don’t cost much. It is the difference between paying for an ad on Facebook and setting up your own podcast and building an audience. It is building up followers on Twitter. It is becoming an influencer.  Grabbing everyone’s attention is worth a lot of money.

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