congestion busting

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Congestion busting is a theme of political discussion this year. Infrastructure is planned that will reduce the volumes of traffic on the road, sort out the traffic jams and remove the blockages from the road systems.  And we dream of automated cars that will allow us to travel safely much closer together so that we maximise our use of the freeways. Heady stuff!

 Indeed, so popular is congestion busting that we are applying its principles to areas of activity other than roads. Scott Morrison has said that congestion busting must be the goal of the public service. This means that they should approve plans for developers without delay. 

 It occurred to me to wonder where else congestion busting might be an issue and I discover, to my surprise, that it is a problem in AFL games where a stoppage attracts a crush of players that block up the game. The AFL is being encouraged to do something about it.