buccal massage

I had to look up the pronunciation of buccal myself so I may as well share it. The dictionaries agree on [buck-uhl] which does not accord with the Latin pronunciation of bucca cheek which is [book-uh].  In Latin bucca refers to the puffed up cheek, expanded with air or food.

A buccal massage  is one in which the therapist attempts to stretch and relax the muscles of the cheek. They do this by inserting their finger into the mouth and  lining it up with the thumb on the outside of the cheek. They then begin gently stretching the muscles of the cheek.

No one has any evidence of this doing either good or harm, although there is a theory that with the cheeks slightly floppy you could look older rather than younger.  But Meghan has done it, and so has Jennifer Lopez. What other recommendation do you need?

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