corona truther



This is someone who is prepared to tell you what is really going on with regard to COVID-19. They can see that this whole thing is a hoax although the reasons given for it vary from one truther to another.  But the common theme is that the whole crisis is overblown, and hysteria is being whipped up by those who want to profit from the chaos, perhaps by developing a vaccine. Or by the government which wants to strip citizens of their rights and needs this as an excuse. The term was initially coronavirus truther but as we became more familiar with the corona landscape, it was shortened to corona truther.

 President Trump has to be given credit for leading the way when he claimed that the virus would just go away. ‘One day it’s like a miracle – it will disappear.’ This was in February.

 Allied to the truthers are the conspiracy theorists.  It is claimed that the virus escaped from a lab in Wuhan where the Chinese were developing a bio-weapon against (a) their own people (b) the Americans  or (c) the people in Hong Kong.  Unfortunately it all got out of hand.  Alternatively it is a bio-weapon developed by the Americans against China.  Some claim that it was developed by the American Right to get rid of the Democrats while others claim that coronavirus was weaponised to bring down Donald Trump.

 It has been claimed that the absence of toilet rolls in our supermarkets is not the result of panic buying by the populace but the result of government raids on our supplies to stock the newly created virus clinics. Rather than admit this the government would prefer to blame the people.  A nice story is that everyone is being told to stay at home so that the government can replace the batteries in all the birds which may or may not be government drones in disguise.

 There are also strange stories about who might be immune to the disease. We all know that the young people on Bondi Beach thought they were not the target of the virus. Old people were. And then there are those who think that black people won’t get it. Margaret Court says that her parishioners are protected by the blood of Christ, but they will pray for the rest of us, which is nice. The whole country of Belarus is hoping that vodka and saunas and hard work will do the trick.